Saturday, December 14, 2013

Margaret Warwick Receives the Order of the Diocese

A slightly belated "Congratulations!" to St. Catherine's own Margaret Warwick, who was honoured with the Order of the Diocese in November.  Her citation details Margaret's years of service to St. Catherine's:

"Margaret was the parish secretary in the early 1970s.  She was President of St. Catherine’s ACW from Feb 2005 to May 2013, which has included liaison with the United Church Women of Trinity United Church and organization of the annual bazaar.  She has been a member of the liaison committee between St. Catherine’s and Trinity United since 2002.  With her late husband she conceived and implemented St. Catherine’s soup kitchen (Paul’s Place) starting in 2002.  Margaret way Lay Secretary to Synod from 2007 to 2008.  She is currently serving her second year as Vice President of the ACW Place Board.  Margaret has been a member of the Altar Guild for more than 10 years.  She has served several terms as a member of St. Catherine’s Church Council, including more than one as secretary.  Margaret has organized events to celebrate parish  and ACW centenary in 2009.  Actively involved in all aspects of parish life:  Messy Church, Port Coquitlam May Day parade and Relay for Life."

A well-deserved award, Margaret!